The Sunflower

The Sunflower

As a sunflower grows, it needs the light and life of the sun and the warmth to stay alive. From one small seed with love, care and nurture a sunflower can grow to an incredible height and what’s even more incredible is the seeds that it produces. The sunflower doesn’t just look beautiful, it also produces a harvest!

We as God's people all have seeds in our hearts, seeds in our hands that Abba wants us to plant. When we soak in the light of His presence and His word, the seeds are watered and nurtured until the Father's good work starts to spring up in them, breaking through the earthen soil of our hearts, and bringing forth LIFE.

The inspiration from our beautiful sunflower necklace came from a vision that The Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit, in Hebrew) gave me of a sunflower, that even though the seed from this flower was planted in Darkness, it yearned to break out into the light. As we turn our face and our life towards the light of Yeshua, He will shine upon us, breaking through any darkness.

The light of His Life, His truth, His Love, and His redemptive power is the very water our soul needs to grow to the fullness of our destiny and who we were created to be!
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